What Is the Accelerated Gross Profit™ (AGP) Program?

The primary responsibility of Service Managers in companies with field service personnel is to generate gross profit through their management and oversight of their (team) technicians in the field. The Accelerated Gross Profit™ (AGP™) Program is designed to help Field Service Managers become strong in the Six Fundamentals™, thus improving the 5 Key Metrics™ and ultimately accelerating the gross profit of their team.

How Can EvolveYT Increase My Gross Profit?

By influencing the behaviors of your service managers through the Six Fundamentals with a complete proven system, we will use a set of practical tools to provide the roadmap, which we call Activities, Cadence, Execution or ACE™. By utilizing ACE, we will be able to move the needle on the Five Key Metrics to accelerate gross profit.

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How Does the Accelerated Gross Profit Program Work?

The AGP Program is set up to be delivered in four different phases with each phase providing critical pieces to accelerating a company’s gross profit. The graphic below describes the consistent customer journey through our AGP Program, which yields the ROI that each company is looking for.

Phase One – The Right Fit

In the RIGHT FIT phase, we will determine if your company and supervisor(s) are suitable for the AGP program through data gathering and interviews. If approved, you will move on to the second phase called DISCOVERY.

Phase Two – Discovery

The DISCOVERY Phase is 2-3 weeks long and is our initial data gathering phase. We will meet with the service managers, gather baseline data on the individual, their team and the company. If necessary, in-person evaluations will take place during this phase. Once data gathering is complete, we will enter into Phase three, the APPLICATION Phase.

Phase Three – Application

The APPLICATION Phase is when the service manager will be implementing the required activities, receiving the one-on-one coaching and attending the educational training sessions. This is when the service manager will be learning the Six Fundamentals to Accelerate Gross Profit. During the course of the 16 weeks, the service manager should be showing improvements within the Five Key Metrics to increase gross profit. Upon completion of Phase three, service managers will move on to Phase four – PROFICIENCY.

Phase Four – Proficiency

This is the fourth and final stage of the AGP Program, however, there is no real “end” to it. This Phase is to help with reinforcement of the prescribed activities to ensure the needle continues to move in the right direction. With the ongoing reinforcement of the activities and accountability, this phase will leave your service managers poised for success as the learned behaviors turn into routine tasks.

The Six Fundamentals™

Service managers enrolled in the program will receive one-on-one coaching and education to develop Activities, Cadence, and Execution so that they can be strong in the Six Fundamentals.

The Six Fundamentals are:

  • Making Your People Great
  • Leadership Skills
  • Exquisite Communications
  • Leveraging Generations
  • Managing Cost of Goods Sold to Drive Profitability
  • Filling the Team with Talent

By teaching and getting clients strong in the Six Fundamentals through mastery of the AGP Toolbox, we will influence results through the Five Key Metrics.

The 5 Key Metrics™

By teaching and getting clients strong in The Six Fundamentals through the mastery of the AGP Toolbox, we will influence results through the Five Key Metrics.

The Five Key Metrics used are:

  • Technician Production
  • Employee Experience
  • Employee Referrals
  • Customer Experience
  • Cost of Goods Sold

Through our specific activities, cadence and execution, service managers will improve all five of these areas, allowing us to demonstrate measurable results to  produce a tangible return on investment (ROI).